Our prayer, for all areas of our lives, is that God would increase our capacity to be generous with what He's given us. Finances are a part of that and collectively, we can do far more for our neighbour than we can alone. Our hope is that financial giving would be just one of the ways you choose to partner with us as we do the work of loving both God and our neighbour together. Thank you for your generosity.
Generosity Litany
There is nothing we have that we have not received.
All we have and are belongs to God,
through the life, death and resurrection of Christ.
To spend everything on ourselves and to give without sacrifice
is the way of the world that is contrary to our Father’s intent
But generosity is the way of those who call Christ their Lord.
We are determined to be generous because our Father is generous.
We delight to give freely out of that which God has given to us.